Do Greens Help with Bloating? Exploring the Benefits

Abdominal bloating is a feeling of fullness and discomfort in the stomach, which can be mildly uncomfortable or very painful. You may also feel sharp pain in your abdomen. Various factors, including food indigestion, gas buildup, constipation, overeating, or hormonal changes during menstruation, can cause bloating. It’s a common digestive problem that affects many people. 

Greens powders, or 'greens,' are dietary supplements made from a blend of powdered green vegetables, fruits, herbs, and other plant-based ingredients like spirulina and chlorella. But do green help with bloating? The answer's yes — they help with digestion, which can contribute to reducing bloating by:

  • Increasing digestive enzymes that improve food digestion

  • Balancing gut bacteria, which reduces gas and bloating

  • Providing fiber that improves bowel movements (1)

  • Supporting gut health 

Greens powders offer a convenient and simple way to get your daily dose of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other important nutrients that can help with bloating. Whether you mix, blend, or shake them, they provide an easy solution to fill any nutrient gaps in your diet.

Keep reading to learn more about how greens can help with help with bloating, the portion sizes you need for the best results, and some practical tips for adding them to your diet. 

How Greens Affect Digestion

Whole vegetables contain a good amount of fiber, which provides many health benefits and helps keep you feeling satisfied longer. Since most people don't eat enough vegetables, greens supplements, when combined with a balanced diet, can be an easy way to get more fiber and improve your digestive health.

Greens are rich in fiber, which can support digestion and help relieve bloating and digestive issues like irritable bowel syndrome. Several studies show that eating high-fiber foods helps keep blood sugar levels steady and increases the diversity of beneficial bacteria in the gut

For example, one study looked at how a high-fiber supplement affects gut health in overweight women. For five months, 57 women took the supplements, and the results showed that combining a fruit and vegetable concentrate with a high-fiber meal replacement improved gut health and glucose metabolism in the participants (2). 

Another systematic review looked at how fiber supplementation affects adults with chronic constipation. It found that fiber significantly improved symptoms like stool frequency and consistency, particularly when higher doses (over 10 grams per day) were taken for at least 4 weeks. The study suggests that fiber supplements are effective in treating constipation by promoting regular bowel movements through the digestive tract, which helps keep the digestive system functioning smoothly (3). 

Therefore, greens affect digestion in a significant way. They support a healthy gut by nourishing beneficial bacteria and contain enzymes that help break down carbs, proteins, and fats, making the digestion process easier. This process improves nutrient absorption and reduces the chance of bloating and discomfort. 

Benefits of Greens Powders for Bloating

All the plants and their parts that we eat affect liver health because they are involved in the liver’s detox process and the way substances move between the liver and the intestines (4). When the liver is detoxified, it can better process and remove substances that might contribute to bloating and digestive discomfort.

Adding greens powder to your diet can support this detox, keeping your liver healthy and helping your digestive system remove waste properly. Moreover, as a plant-based prebiotic, greens powder have the following benefits:

  • Better gut health: Probiotics are a helpful group of microorganisms found in foods or supplements like greens powder that can also live in the gut. When taken, they can improve the balance of healthy gut bacteria and interact with immune cells, helping to support immune function (5). This, in turn, can help with digestive issues and prevent bloating. 

  • Decrease acidity: Fiber in greens not only helps with digestion, but also with heartburn and acid reflux. One study examined how adding more fiber to the diet affects people with frequent heartburn. Thirty-six people with low fiber intake took a fiber supplement for 10 days. The results showed fewer people experienced heartburn, their symptoms improved, and they also had fewer episodes of acid reflux (6).

  • More energy: Phytonutrients found in plant-based foods benefit your body in several ways. They increase enzymes that help remove toxins, strengthen your immune system, and support a healthy hormone balance, which can make you feel more energized (7). 

  • Improve absorption: Another advantage of greens powder is that your body can absorb the nutrients quickly. This means you get the full health benefits and feel an energy boost shortly after taking it. Therefore, greens powders can be a simple and natural way to ease bloating.

  • Weight loss: Greens powder, being low in calories, may also help with weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight. It provides essential nutrients without adding any extra calories. 

This means you can enjoy its health benefits while keeping your overall calorie intake in check. When you lose weight, your body might handle fluids better, which can result in less bloating and a flatter stomach.

Note: For some people with conditions like inflammatory bowel disease, you should consult your doctor before adding greens to your diet. 

How to Use Greens for Bloating Relief

Firstly, choose a greens powder that is specially made to support digestion. There are several easy ways to use greens for bloating relief. Here are some options you can consider for adding greens to your daily routine.

  • Mix it with water or juice: Simply stir a scoop of greens powder into water or your favorite juice for a quick drink that supports digestion and reduces bloating.

  • Blend into smoothies: You can add the greens powder to your morning smoothie along with fruits and vegetables for extra fiber and probiotics, which can help ease bloating.

  • Sprinkle on food: You can sprinkle greens powder over yogurt, oatmeal, or salads to increase your intake of digestion-supporting nutrients.

  • Add to your baked goods: You can also mix it into waffles or bread batter to add extra nutrients to your meals. 

Note: Make sure to drink enough water during the day. Staying hydrated helps your digestive system work well and can lessen bloating. Notice how your body feels after using greens powder. If you feel uncomfortable or bloated, think about changing the amount you take or the ingredients.

When choosing the best greens powder, it's important to pick one that has been tested by a third party. Transparent Labs products are all third-party tested, making them safe to use. You can also decide if you want a flavored or unflavored option. Transparent Labs Prebiotic Greens offers unflavored, mango, and peach options, giving you a choice between a neutral taste or something fruity and sweet.

A Dietitians Take on Portion Sizes and Timing for Best Results

Patricia Kolesa MS, RDN, a registered dietician and founder of Dietitian Dish LLC, recommends following the serving sizes on the package. 

Following portion sizes for dietary supplements is important, as taking too much of a supplement can lead to issues like nutrient imbalances or unwanted effects. On the other hand, taking too little might not provide the benefits you're seeking. When you stick to recommended portion sizes, you can better manage your calorie intake, which supports maintaining a healthy weight as well. 

“Consider mixing one scoop of the powder with 8 ounces (which is equal to one standard cup) of your preferred drink. You can do this up to three times a day, or as recommended by your provider," Patricia recommends. 

She adds, “You must also consider other lifestyle factors that could contribute to bloating, such as meal frequency (how often you eat and in what quantities), hydration (whether you're drinking water with your meals), and alcohol intake. Try to eat whole vegetables and fruits whenever possible. However, if you're unable to meet the recommended amount, you can consider adding supplements to your healthy diet to meet your body's needs.” 

When it comes to the best time to take greens powder, research suggests taking it after meals because it contains probiotics. Although probiotics can be taken on their own, having them after a meal is preferable. This is because food in your stomach helps neutralize stomach acid, making it easier for the probiotics to work effectively (8).

Considerations and Precautions

It’s important to note that greens powders shouldn’t replace fruits and vegetables. Good health and nutrition come from eating a variety of foods, including many fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. However, a greens supplement powder might be a comprehensive and affordable addition if you need extra nutrients. 

Here are some precautions and considerations you can take to avoid any negative side effects.

People with digestive issues: People with conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), or food sensitivities, should consult their doctor before adding a greens powder to their diet. 

People with underlying medical conditions: If you have any medical conditions or are taking medications, it's important to talk to your doctor before using a greens powder. Some ingredients in greens powder might interfere with your medications, leading to potential health issues.

Choose a greens powder with organic ingredients: It's important to choose a greens powder made from organic ingredients, because some non-organic ingredients may harm your digestion and overall health. They can destroy beneficial gut bacteria, allowing harmful bacteria to grow and potentially cause illness.

Pregnancy and nursing: Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding must be careful when using greens powders. Although many ingredients in these powders are healthy, some might not be safe for pregnant or nursing women. Speak to your doctor before adding any new supplement to your diet during this time.

Avoid greens powder with added sugars: Avoid greens powders that contain added sugars, as they can contribute to digestive issues and counteract the health benefits of the powder. Transparent Labs Greens Powder is naturally sweetened with stevia leaf extract and has no added sugars, making it a better choice than those with added sugars.

The Bottom Line

Green powders, also known as superfood greens powder, are beneficial supplements that help reduce bloating by supporting healthy digestion. With digestive enzymes and healthy bacteria, they work to support digestive health.

Although vitamins and supplements can't replace a balanced diet, they can help you meet your recommended goals if you struggle to eat enough fruit or vegetables. Greens powder for bloating can be helpful as it's high in fiber, which helps move food through the digestive tract and can make you feel less bloated.

Key Takeaways

  • Greens powder contains probiotics that help feed healthy bacteria in the gut, which supports digestion and may reduce bloating by balancing the gut microbiome.

  • The fiber and digestive enzymes in greens powder can support smooth digestion, helping to reduce bloating and prevent digestive discomfort.

  • Make sure to eat a balanced diet that includes whole fruits and vegetables to maximize the benefits of greens powder.


1. What are greens powders?

Greens powders are supplements made from dried green vegetables or other plant ingredients. They often include nutrients, enzymes, fiber,  and probiotics that may support digestion and overall health.

2. Do greens help with bloating?

Yes, greens can help reduce bloating. They contain fiber that supports digestion and helps food move through your digestive system more smoothly. This can help lessen bloating and discomfort. Greens also support a healthy gut and reduce inflammation, which can further ease bloating.

3. When is the best time to take greens powder?

The best time to take greens powder is after meals. Taking it after eating helps because food in your stomach can neutralize stomach acid, making it easier for the probiotics in the greens powder to work effectively.

4. How should I take greens powders for the best results? 

It’s generally recommended to mix greens powder with water, juice, or smoothies and consume it daily. Make sure to follow the serving size instructions on the product label for best results.

5. Are greens powders safe for everyone?

Most people can safely use greens powders. You should consult your doctor first if you have any medical conditions, or you're pregnant or breastfeeding.

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